Foods That Will Boost Your Vitamin C Intake

It’s summertime which means it’s time to pump up the vitamin C! As one of the best aids to boost your immune system and fight against heart disease, vitamin C is a key nutrient required by your body to build its reserves for the fall and winter seasons.
Vitamin C helps your body receive the right nutrients and maintain its natural defense system. As a vitamin that does not naturally occur in your body, it’s important to monitor your vitamin C intake by eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you find yourself lacking in your daily vitamin intake, try some of our favorite vitamin C rich foods:
Citrus Fruit
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits and limes are a delicious way to take in about 70 milligrams of Vitamin C per fruit, along with other nutrients like calcium, potassium and magnesium. Spruce up your water pitcher with a squeeze of lemon or start your day with a hearty grapefruit to add some extra nutrients to your diet.
Summertime means strawberry season so there’s no reason for you to avoid an extra serving of these berries. Grab a handful in between meals (or for dessert!) for a tasty 20 milligrams of Vitamin C.
It’s one of the most popular vegetables of 2017. Whether you saute it, bake it or turn it into chips, kale has so many yummy ways it can be prepared. And the best part is that adding 100 grams of kale into your daily meals can account for 200% of the daily recommended serving.
Maybe the vegetables on that burger do count for something. Not really, but tomatoes do offer a great source of vitamin C! Whether they’re sun-dried or raw, tomatoes can offer you up to 40 milligrams of vitamin C per serving.
Want to do more to build your body’s defenses? Build up your Force Field with a little extra help from Balance Blends!