Let’s do health &
beauty differently -
Balance Blends herbal supplements naturally address common health issues like acne, stress, insomnia, painful cramps, and reduced immunity. Our blends are formulated with carefully selected Eastern herbs and Western vitamins to invite balance into your life and heal your body from the inside out.
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Let’s do health &
beauty differently
Balance Blends herbal supplements naturally address common health issues like acne, stress, insomnia, painful cramps, and reduced immunity. Our blends are formulated with carefully selected Eastern herbs and Western vitamins to invite balance into your life and heal your body from the inside out.
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Reimagining Health

Balanced Goodness

Powerful? You bet!

Sustainable self-care
What do we say to stress? Not today!
Ever have those hot mess express days? We got you. Just Breathe is a custom-blended, natural stress remedy that helps you release tension from the inside out and makes you feel like you can handle those high-stress days confidently. Let’s get your Qi moving to enhance your mood and boost your energy.LEARN MORE
Cramp-free periods? It’s possible
No more curling up into a ball when Aunt Flo comes to town. Face those pesky period cramps head-on with Cramp Whisperer - our exclusive natural acne treatment blend that tames menstrual pain, regulates your mood, and helps you stay active and happy even during your period.LEARN MORE
Break free from breakouts for good
Clear, healthy skin can be your new normal. Our Acne Be Gone blend contains highly-effective herbal supplements to heal non-cystic acne (that is, non-hormonal breakouts) from the inside out. By addressing underlying inflammation and balancing your skin’s oil production to reduce breakouts, you get glowing, blemish-free skin.LEARN MORE
Get ready for a good night’s sleep (finally)
Racing thoughts while you’re trying to get some shut-eye? Our signature Quiet Please blend addresses the sleep-disrupting stress signals of your body to calm your mind before sleep and help you get (much-needed) deep, restful sleep.
Energy for days, naturally
Feeling listless and exhausted lately? Chances are your immune system’s acting up. Our Force Field blend brings the goodness of Western vitamins and traditional Eastern herbs to boost your immune system so you can stay healthy and feel ready to take on the day.LEARN MORE
"My boyfriend and I both suffer from insomnia, and he suffers from night terrors. Neither of us wanted to develop a habit of using OTC options that have dependency risks or otherwise may be unhealthy. We are extremely grateful to have found this Quiet Please. On nights when our busy minds may keep us up, this provides the perfect pause button for our brains and allows us a comfortable night's sleep. It also helps quite a bit with his night terrors."
"Inflammation and hormonal acne down in days! I usually take 3 capsules a day, taking another batch of 3 in the evening on nights that I eat foods that typically cause me to break out or have inflammation."
"I have tried everything from Tums for the calcium, prescription painkillers from my OBGYN...you name it, I have tried it. My cramps are so bad that I’ve had to pause and sit on my neighbor’s lawn while walking my dog, trying not to vomit. I always make sure to have this product on hand, as I definitely don’t want to run out."
"I can't thank you enough for the beautiful, acne-FREE skin that I am now able to wake up to every single morning. My fiance can't stop complimenting my skin because it is now even beyond normal people's standards of clear."
"I am a new nurse working night shifts at a large hospital. I was constantly sick during the first 4 months. I started taking Force Field, and I immediately felt like I had more energy and was better equipped to fight infection. I have not been sick for 1 year."