Almost everyone encounters acne at some point, which may be why it’s one of the top 10 skin issues worldwide. L-Carnitine is a major natural remedy for non-cystic acne, but in order to fully appreciate why, it helps to understand how acne forms.
if we had to pick a favorite amongst our herbal children, we’d pick this major longevity herb. Unlike Echinacea, which is often taken at the onset of an illness, Astragalus can be taken daily prior to the onset of an illness. Bonus benefits include improved digestion and function of the lung meridian system.
An Extrapolent (ik•strap'•ō•lĕnt) is an exclusive Balance Blends combination of herbal extracts and modern-day supplements to help recalibrate imbalanced Qi (pronounced chē, aka energy). In short, it's our unique way of delivering the best of both Eastern and Western worlds.